This series of rhyming children's picture books follows Kai, a regular child by day and a ninja community hero by night. The adventures include the original - "Kai The Ninja Hero"; "Kai The Ninja Hero And The Mystery Ninja", and "Kai The Ninja Hero - Goes Camping". These action-packed stories inspire courage, kindness, and the belief that anyone can be a hero.
A humorous and interactive series designed to make potty training fun for both kids and parents. The series includes "John Ryan Learns Where to Poop" (for boys); "Macie Kay Learns Where to Poop" (for girls); "Where Should I Pee?"; and "Where Should I Fart?".
This series teaches children important life lessons through humor that adults will appreciate. The books include the original "John Has Balls", which teaches kids about all different types of balls; "John Has Balls - Teaching Kids About Colors", and "John Has Balls - Teaching Kids How to Count to Ten".